Rom, Italien

30 maj - 1 jun 2024

17th MegaGen International Symposium in Rome

”All roads lead to Rome – Revolutionary Advances ; The Journey to Full Mouth Restorations with Immediate Implants”

We are excited to welcome you to the 17th MegaGen International Symposium in Rome that will take place in Rome, Italy, between 30 May ~ 01 June 2024. Under the main topic “Immediate & Full mouth solution”, MegaGen International Symposium includes an exhibition area and a dynamic mix of lecture and workshop sessions, as well as an exclusive MGG party.

The event schedule has been designed to capture the diversity of subjects that includes digital implantology, immediate implant placement, Surgical treatment, and prosthetic dentistry.

Om Dental24

Dental24 – Ledande nyhets- och kunskapsportal inom svensk tandvård enligt professionen.*

Dental24 läses av flera tusen dentalt intresserade varje vecka.

Dental24 erbjuder yrkesverksamma inom dentalbranschen en samlad plats för nyheter, kunskap, aktuella händelser, erfarenhetsutbyte, utbildningar, artiklar, dokumentation och produktinformation.

Dental24 produceras i samverkan med tandläkare, tandhygienister, tandsköterskor, tandtekniker, institutioner, kursgivare, föreningar, organisationer, leverantörer och andra medier.


Per Capita AB
Org. nr: 556763-9785

Ansvarig utgivare

Per Ahlberg

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