
30 november 2023

Nobel Biocare N1™ system

Are you interested in getting started with the Nobel Biocare N1™ system or would you like to improve your current skills and find out the latest around the implant system?

Take the experience of your colleagues and pass on yours.

Meet our experienced Nobel Biocare N1 users, Shoresh Afnan and Behnam Malekzadeh, who will guide you through the surgical aspects of the system via lecture and hands-on.

We would like it to be as interactive as possible, so we will ensure it is time for questions and discussions!


16.30 – 17.00

Light food & drinks

17.00 – 17.15

Welcome & introduction

Nobel Biocare

17.15 – 18.15

My experience of N1™ including clinical cases

Benham Malekzadeh

18.15 – 18.30

Comfort break

18.30 – 19.30

How did N1™ change the way I treat my patients?

Shoresh Afnan

19.30 – 20.15

Hands on with N1™

20.15 – 20.30

Wrap-up & closing

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Per Capita AB
Org. nr: 556763-9785

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Per Ahlberg

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