
15 mars 2024

Ortho-Restorative TreatmentsPredictable workflow with SureSmile Clear Aligners

More and more often, patients ask for orthodontic corrections. The most common reason is crowding and a desire for a straighter smile or improved oral health. Dentsply Sirona with more than twenty years of experience in digital planning for Orthodontic treatment provide you with the confidence of excellent initial treatment plan and predictable, compelling results. This aligner treatment course is a part of SureSmile certification program. The certification program contains the eLearning modules, this one day course and customized training for the team.

Learning content

  • Correct orthodontic records
  • How to undertake a full orthodontic assessment
  • How to diagnose a malocclusion and plan for treatment of both ideal orthodontics and for anterior tooth alignment
  • Fundamental principles of biomechanics and how removable appliances work
  • Combine orthodontics with restorative and functional goals
  • How to do digital treatment planning including space analysis
  • Clinical orthodontic approaches for various malocclusions with hands-on training
  • The practicalities and importance of post-orthodontic retention

The course is structured so that delegates can take on simple to moderate cases from day one of enrollment. We achieve this through comprehensive support by a clinical expert or your local SureSmile specialist. They can assist with monitoring cases for suitability, assessing records and providing extensive support throughout the treatment.

Om Dental24

Dental24 – Ledande nyhets- och kunskapsportal inom svensk tandvård enligt professionen.*

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Dental24 produceras i samverkan med tandläkare, tandhygienister, tandsköterskor, tandtekniker, institutioner, kursgivare, föreningar, organisationer, leverantörer och andra medier.


Per Capita AB
Org. nr: 556763-9785

Ansvarig utgivare

Per Ahlberg

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