
26 april 2024

SureSmile Clear Aligner Programme Level 1

Online Course Friday April 26 at 11am-3:30pm (4 hours)

For information on how to become a SureSmile provider and how you can attend this course, please book a 1:1 consultation with one of our specialists via our website:

Your SureSmile Specialist will provide you with a code to access this course.

This online course covers treatment using SureSmile Clear Aligners alongside minimally invasive restorative techniques. Delegates learn about all aspects of treatment and planning – from diagnosis and assessment to case evaluation, fitting and retention. The course is structured so that delegates can take on simple to moderate cases from day-one of enrolment. We achieve this through comprehensive online support by a mentor from IAS Academy’s panel of world-class clinicians. They assist students by monitoring cases for suitability, assessing records and providing extensive support throughout treatment. This mentored approach gives learners the best chance of success for safely incorporating SureSmile aligners into their practice with confidence.

Delegates are encouraged to bring along any case to discuss directly with the trainer as part of this course

In partnership with the IAS Academy and Tif Qureshi, The SureSmile Clear Aligner Online Course is made up of the following:

  • Access to 8 pre-recorded modules, totalling of 3 hours
  • Access to a 4 hour virtual hands-on training session with Q&A, with Geoff Stone which includes a course kit sent in the post
  • 1 hour to discuss your cases at the end of the course.  Please bring along any case notes you wish to discuss with the trainer. Please ensure patient confidentiality is maintained if sharing screens or photographs.

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