
On demand

Working length determination and its importance in endodontics

The establishment of correct working length is an important step in Endodontic therapy, any inaccuracies may lead to failure of the root canal treatment. This webinar aides in helping the clinician gain an evidence-based understanding of the importance of working length determination.

Aims and objectives of this 1-hour webinar

  • understanding the anatomy of the apex;
  • understanding the importance of accurate working length determination in endodontics;
  • exploring various methods of working length determination;
  • understanding how apex locators work and how they should be used for optimal accuracy; and
  • understanding difficulties using apex locators and methods to problem solve common issues and prevent frustration.

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Per Capita AB
Org. nr: 556763-9785

Ansvarig utgivare

Per Ahlberg

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