
11 apr - 12 apr 2025

Align, Bleach & Bond

The ABB course encompasses two courses in one; day one is the Clear Aligner Course (SureSmile clear aligners) and day two is the Ortho Restorative course.

This 2-day course gives dentists the confidence to deliver a complete solution to their patients. By the end of these two days, attendees will be able to handle simple to moderate alignment cases as well as everything needed to finish cases post-orthodontics and be able to ensure long-term stability and function. Support is provided at every step with an online mentoring system where cases are checked for suitability, records are assessed, and help can be given at any point through the treatment. Three monitored cases are treated as part of certification.

It is not just about adding aligners to your practice, it is about understanding why nearly every single patient sat in your chair, past, present and future can benefit from a combined approach to ortho and restorative thinking.

Ultimately we can use the protocol of simple align bleach and bond at the correct stage, to prevent anyone ever needing a full mouth rehab, because aligning, re-establishing guidance, learning to protect and maintenance of orthodontic functional position


The program is customized for general practitioners to get started with minor alignment orthodontic cases using removable appliances.

Learning content:

•              Philosophy of minimally invasive aesthetic and functional orthodontics.

•              Diagnosis, assessment & case selection, arch evaluation.

•              Digital case prescription

•              Occlusal planning

•              Ortho restorative principles

•              Ortho restorative daily examination

•              Guidance – Envelope of function & ortho

•              Anterior functional planning landmark points

•              Checking and modifying digital setups

•              Case presentations & troubleshooting

•              Inter-Proximal Reduction (IPR)

•              Attachment placement

•              Align bleach and bond protocols

•              Tooth whitening

•              Simple Edge Bonding and polishing

•              Aesthetic Tooth Shaping

•              Dahl Principle \Treatment of tooth wear

•              Advanced retention management

The course is structured so that delegates can take on simple to moderate cases from day one of enrollment. We achieve this through comprehensive support by a clinical expert or your local SureSmile specialist. They can assist with moni-toring cases for suitability, assessing records and providing extensive support throughout the treatment.

Om Dental24

Dental24 – Ledande nyhets- och kunskapsportal inom svensk tandvård enligt professionen.*

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Per Capita AB
Org. nr: 556763-9785

Ansvarig utgivare

Per Ahlberg

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