Bone Augmentation Focus on Sinus Lift
09:00-09:45 Fresh-up in oral anatomy & novel approaches for maxillary sinus lift: intra-antral perforations for improved graft consolidation
09:45-10:30 Lateral maxillary sinus lift & complication management
10:30-12:30 Hands-on. Lateral window approach with rotary instruments / with piezosurgery
12:30-13:30 Lunch & Learn / Transcrestal sinus lift & novel approaches for maxillary sinus lift: magnetic mallet & osseodensification technique for transcrestal sinus lift
13:30-16:30 Hands-on. Transcrestal approach with osteotomes / with piezosurgery / with a magnetic mallet & Autogenous bone harvesting & Dissection of the sinus and other anatomical structures
16:30-17:00 Fresh-up in bone biology of grafting materials
Coffee, beverages, finger food, fruits and sweets will be available throughout the course in
the lecture room, adjacent to the laboratory.
Prof. Christian Ulm, MD, DMD (Head of the Div. of Oral Surgery, Med. Univ. of Vienna, Austria), Prof. Andreas Stavropoulos, DDS, PhD, dr. odont. (Dep. of Periodontology, Univ. of Malmö, Sweden) & Ass. Prof. Kristina Bertl, DMD, PhD, MBA, MSc (Dep. of Periodontology, Univ. of Malmö Sweden).
limited to 20 participants Course language: English
Course Fee: € 1.700 (excl. VAT)