
18 april 2024

ClearCorrect Inspiration Day

Join us at the ClearCorrect Inspiration Day in Stockholm for a day filled with knowledge, innovation, and inspiration. This event promises to be an enriching experience for dental professionals keen on exploring the latest trends in clear aligners.

What to Expect:

Engage with a stellar lineup of speakers, including renowned dentists and experts in the field, as they share their experiences, insights, and success stories.

This is your opportunity to connect with 100 colleagues from the Nordics and delve into a day of learning and inspiration in the beautiful city of Stockholm.

Agenda Highlights

09.00-12:30 Dr. Andrea Bazzucchi (D.D.S., M.S.D.) Dive into the world of clear aligners with Dr. Bazzucchi. His session will be a blend of inspiration and education, perfect for both newcomers and experienced professionals.

12:30-13:30 Lunch Break

13:30-14:15 Dr. Merete Brathetland (D.D.S.) Discover the effective workflow implemented in Dr. Brathetland’s clinic and her successful journey with ClearCorrect.

14:30-15:15 Dr. Søren Bannebjerg (D.D.S) Learn from SmileAward winner Dr. Bannebjerg about his experiences and successes with ClearCorrect and the Virtuo Vivo scanner.

15:30-16:15 Dr. Jesper Hatt (D.D.S) Gain insights on optimizing clinic operations and enhancing productivity in clear aligner treatments from Dr. Hatt, a consultant and international keynote speaker.

16:15-16:30 Closing by Tony Janfalk – Head of Ortho

16:30-17:00 After Work Drink



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