
13 nov - 15 nov 2024

Kom och träffa Zirkonzahn på Swedental i Göteborg!

13 – 15 NOVEMBER, MONTER B02:23

Zirkonzahn will be exhibiting at the Swedental in Gothenburg from the 13th to the 15th of November 2024, presenting all its latest innovations and a wide range of products in a unique dental environment. 

Virtually all Zirkonzahn products are developed and produced in-house, in its facilities embedded in the heart of the Italian Alps, with the fundamental values of discipline, innovation, trust and responsibility. Purchasing raw materials only from specially selected suppliers, the company develops new visions, dental materials, tools and technologies all under one roof. Dentists and dental technicians are provided with technical support as well as educational trainings, to help them stand out in terms of quality and excellence.
Zirkonzahn’s employees are looking forward to presenting the visitors the world of Zirkonzahn, with all its innovations, its visions and what the company stands for.


M6 Teleskoper Blank Changer
New milling unit with fully automatic Blank Changer function for up to 80 blanks (upgradable)

Detection Eye intraoral scanner & P4000 system for 3D printing
For a flexible, totally controlled workflow

S300 ARTI scanner – the space-saver
With high-speed, high-resolution cameras and a scanning  of ≤ 10 μm

Innovative patient diagnostic technologies
3D virtual reproduction of patients with PlaneSystem® and Face Hunter 3D facial scanner

Jaw-Aligner System
For a plaster-free articulation of prototyped models

Zirkonofen Turbo
sintering furnace with optimised electronics and a newly developed software that combines efficiency with flexibility. 

Head Tracker
Device used for digitally detecting the patient’s Natural Head Position (NHP) and reference planes in 60 seconds only.


Visitors can look forward to discovering not only the innovations listed above but much more. Zirkonzahn’s experts will  illustrate new work techniques and solutions they have developed to optimise the collaboration between dentists and dental technicians, and to further improve the quality and efficiency of the daily workflow in dental practices and laboratories. 

You will find Zirkonzahn at stand B02:23

For more information or if you wish to book a chat with our stand staff, feel free to contact us!

Call or email Martina Milani, +390474066653, martina.milani@zirkonzahn.com

For more information on products, visit: www.zirkonzahn.com 

Om Dental24

Dental24 – Ledande nyhets- och kunskapsportal inom svensk tandvård enligt professionen.*

Dental24 läses av flera tusen dentalt intresserade varje vecka.

Dental24 erbjuder yrkesverksamma inom dentalbranschen en samlad plats för nyheter, kunskap, aktuella händelser, erfarenhetsutbyte, utbildningar, artiklar, dokumentation och produktinformation.

Dental24 produceras i samverkan med tandläkare, tandhygienister, tandsköterskor, tandtekniker, institutioner, kursgivare, föreningar, organisationer, leverantörer och andra medier.


Per Capita AB
Org. nr: 556763-9785

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Per Ahlberg

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