
12 september 2024


Substantial evidence suggests that non-surgical therapy has a limited efficacy to arrest disease progression, thus indicating the necessity of a surgical intervention in the majority of patients diagnosed with peri-implantitis.

This course will summarize and critically evaluate current protocols suggested for the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis. Particular emphasis will be on reconstructive and combined surgical measures.

The following aspects will be thoroughly discussed:

  • Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of peri-implantitis
  • Nonsurgical treatment approaches
  • Implant surface decontamination protocols
  • Surgical techniques and materials for reconstructive therapy of Class I defects
  • Combined- and modified combined therapy for advanced Class III defects
  • Soft tissue volume grafting for the prevention of postoperative mucosal recessions
  • Implant removal and implant site development

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Per Capita AB
Org. nr: 556763-9785

Ansvarig utgivare

Per Ahlberg

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