
12 april 2023kl. 08:26

Flowable injection technique

Learn more about the possibilities and advantages of using the Flowable Injection Technique in the everyday practice!

Fast, predictable and reproducible – that’s what modern procedures are all about!

In this webinar expert Michael Jaczewski tackles all the issues regarding the Flowable Injection Technique. Starting off with his workflow for the technique he walks you through his preferred method and products. He also explains why he uses these products and he tackles the most commonly encountered issues;

  • The digital and analogue protocol – a detailed discussion with indications and colour analysis.
  • How to use the Injection Flow technique step by step in your daily work.
  • How to restore the anterior or posterior segment with Kuraray flowable composites.

During the lecture several of his clinical cases will be discussed and you will have the opportunity to ask questions.

This webinar will be given in English, is free of charge and without any obligations.

Dates: 12th of April – Anterior
26th of April – Posterior
Time: 17:00 CET
Duration: 60 min

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